ICB (Insured Currency Basket) EA trades instruments with a high correlation. At the same time, he insures (hedges) each transaction at the expense of another instrument.The principle of insurance is that we buy on one instrument and sell on the opposite one. Since pairs with a positive correlation always follow the same direction, the EA cannot take a big loss in total. This way of trading insures transactions and therefore stop loss is not needed here!
Attention !!! Please read carefully the rules for installing the advisor, and install it correctly. Before publishing, we check everything and publish only those advisors that work on our accounts !!! At least at the time of this article’s publication.Also, please note that the name of the adviser has been changed, you can find the original name of the adviser in our telegram channel https://t.me/FX_VIP
Developer price | |
Terminal | MT4 |
Currency pair | Any, but definitely! all instruments in the basket must have a positive correlation! |
Timeframe | M5 |
Money management | At least 100 currency units |
Recommended brokers | IC Markets, ALPARI |
For advisor recommended to use VPS 24/5 | Zomro (most affordable Windows server only $ 2.75 per month) |
During trading, the adviser can open many transactions, but they always occur in pairs and insure each other. Closes the Expert Advisor based on total profit. You can also participate in its work by closing at some point one of the currencies or all together if you see that the profit suits you
For example:
EURJPY-CHFJPY – correlation 89-100%
CADJPY-AUDJPY – correlation 95%
EURJPY-CADJPY – correlation 87-94%
EURJPY-AUDJPY – correlation 80-92%
These pairs are selected using a script that determines the correlation over a given period of time. You can collect a group of 2 or more instruments. The more instruments in the trade, the greater the effect of insurance (hedging) But definitely! all instruments in the basket must have a positive correlation!

The EA sells (sell) on the highest of all instruments and simultaneously buys (buy) on the lowest. Due to this, insurance is obtained from any movement of currencies. The main thing is to choose the instruments themselves in such a way that they correlate well with each other. This can be checked by the nature of the movement of currencies, they almost repeat the movement of each other!
You can stop the adviser by clicking on the “Trading allowed” button.

If the button is released, it turns red. But the EA does not drop open trades. He will bring them to close, but will not open new positions. It is the same with the prohibition of trading on time. The adviser brings already open positions to profit, but does not open new ones.
During the trading process, you can independently close some positions or all by clicking on the appropriate buttons

Testing of multi-currency Expert Advisors is possible only in the MT5 tester. For MT4, it is possible to test only on a demo account in real time. That is why there will be no backtest, but while I was writing this article, I put the adviser on a demo account and periodically looked into the terminal and closed transactions manually, and earn a little demodolors)))


SB=”EURJPY,CHFJPY,CADJPY,AUDJPY”; – here we list the instruments, separated by commas, that we collect for trading.
Profit Close = 10.0; – Profit in the deposit currency or as a percentage at which we close all positions. For example, in our case, 10 usd and with such a profit, all transactions will be closed.
Equity close = 0.0; – Closing on deposit equity
ProfitCloseOne = 0.0; – Arrived one instrument at a time. If this instrument is in profit and is not in an extreme position, then we close it separately from all. 0 – disabled.
TimeStart = 10; – The start time of the adviser.
TimeEnd = 20; – Hour of the end of the adviser’s work.
The EA can only open trades between TimeStart and TimeEnd
AlertON = false; – sending an alert when the adviser actions
SendMailInfo =false; – sending a message to your email about the actions of the adviser
ScreenShot = false; – Saving screenshots for all actions of the adviser to the files folder of the terminal
How to install:
This is a patched file so the installation is slightly different.
- Install the advisor file and set file as usual in the appropriate folders
- In the archive with the adviser there will be a “fix” folder, it must be placed in the root folder where the terminal.exe is located, and put the msimg.dll there

In my opinion trading currency pair correlations is a good approach and I know many traders who make good money with this method.
But undoubtedly this trading approach requires a certain level of knowledge and understanding of the market.
I myself do not prefer such trading, for me trading on price action is better, but at the moment we are talking about a fully automatic system, and I, who is not quite versed in correlated trading, decided to try it and me even managed to make money, so this adviser has the right to life .
But unfortunately, some points upset me, I don’t know what’s the matter, this is a bug from the programmist, or when hacking the adviser, they made some mistake (which is most likely unlikely), or I didn’t understand something, but the adviser has a function that should close all trades upon reaching a certain profit which is set in the adviser settings, and so it does not work, I set different values, and for example it is shown that all trades should be closed when the total profit reaches $ 10, but when this is reached, there is no closing, perhaps closing should occur not at $10, but at 10% profit from the deposit, I don’t know, this needs to be checked. But even so, this problem did not upset me much, but still, the adviser is now considered not fully automatic, but requires manual control over it.
Nevertheless, I think there are people who this adviser will help to earn money!!!
For the advisor to work, you need to install the library DLL in the root folder of the terminal, please read the instructions, the installation of this advisor may differ from the standard installation – https://fx-vip.pro/libraries-mt4/
Reminder: As with every trading system, always remember that forex trading can be risky. Don’t trade with money that you can not afford to lose. It is always best to test EA’s first on demo accounts, or live accounts running low lotsize. You can always increase risk later!
plz fix it again after every 6 hours it start giving lisence is expired error and have to restart the terminal to run it back
i fallowed all the procedur u mention but using latest version of terminal
THANKS man. who have a problem with Auto Profit close maybe can change it to whatever….try it
i try with 2.0 profit close…seems to working well !
Fx-VIP.pro team
Thanks for sharing your opinion and thanks for the kind words.
its told: Demo Version. and nothing happen, the interface seems ‘blank’ – not processing/running
Fx-VIP.pro team
Are you sure you installed it correctly with all the dll library files?
its told: Demo Version. and nothing happen, the interface seems ‘blank’
Fx-VIP.pro team
Are you sure you installed it correctly with all the dll library files?
It is a demo version
Good expert!
Why does the robot not close orders when it reaches the profit we specify? Do orders have to be closed manually?
There is also available 6.4 version on his site. Can we use that one with dll on live account?
Fx-VIP.pro team
I don’t know, try it, if the adviser can be attached to the chart, then everything will work
This is very good advisor but what 8s required balance for 0.01. you write 100 u it so is this work for long with 100 unit ? I m running demo with 100 unit and going well but can it run for long?
cuan maxiana
this ea cant running in live accout,how to get licence ea to access in live account
Fx-VIP.pro team
in my opinion when I checked everything worked, check the installation and make sure everything is installed correctly
Это кривая версия . Версия 5.8 самая стабильная .
Fx-VIP.pro team
спасибо что поделились вашим мнением
It's working well but why it doesn't close trade because profit percentage is 10 in setting and I have reached more than 10 buy doesn't close all trade.
It’s working well but why it doesn’t close trade because profit percentage is 10 in setting and I have reached more than 10 buy doesn’t close all trade.
Fx-VIP.pro team
Yes, I noticed this and wrote about it in the article, if you didn’t notice, the guys from our telegram group found a solution to this problem, there is a separate adviser that closes deals in total profit, it is installed on a separate chart and it performs its function
Версия 6.4 работает без танцев с бубном
Fx-VIP.pro team
Спасибо что поделились вашим мнением, пожалуйста отправьте ее нам fxvipbot@gmail.com мы проверим, если она работает на реальном счете и без ограничений мы обновим этот советник для всех пользователей
Which instruments are positively correlated?
You’re the best!
Fx-VIP.pro team